Each year, on my children’s birthdays, I write a special post for them, highlighting a different aspect about how awesome they are!
Lydia Turns 2 & Lydia’s Big Sister Birthday Party
Lydia turns 3 & Lydia and Bryce’s Farm Birthday Party
Lydia is 5 today!
There’s something seriously special about her birthday. Let me give you the backstory. When I found out I was pregnant, I was given a due date of August 31st, 2009, but when I had my first ultrasound, it was readjusted to August 25th, 2009. August 25th passed, August 31st passed, and on September 1st, I went into labor. So this was good, right? Well, sorta. Here’s the thing, September 1st is the cut-off for school in Florida. If Lydia turned 5 on September 1st, she would begin Kindergarten that year. If she turned 5 on September 2nd, she would begin PreK that year. Whoa! Huge difference!
My birthday is November 7th, but I began school in New York, where the cut-off date is December 31st. This means that I was just 4 years old when I began Kindergarten. While I always kept up academically, excelling in almost all subjects, I could never keep up socially. When everyone else was going through puberty and buying real bras, I was 6″ shorter still playing with dolls. I left for college at 17 years old, living ‘independently’ in a college dorm, 300+ miles from my parents.
When Lydia was born September 2nd, 2:11 am (I hope I got that right!) her birthday frustrated me, especially since I ended up having a c-section after 20+ hours of labor. I envisioned myself spending years arguing her into the grade I believed she should be in. I thought she’d be a smart girl, who would do well being pushed ahead as I was. I was reluctantly ready for the good fight, until I realized there was no fight. Wait a minute — Why do I want to push her ahead? If she’s in her assigned grade, she’ll be at home with me an extra year. I got her entire 4-year old year at home with me. And even now, school is just 3 hours a day. She will be the first among her friends to hit all the big milestones: a driver’s permit, driver’s license, first to vote, first to drink legally. And you know what? I think that’s awesome! I trust that she will be an amazing girl who can make positive decisions for her life.
So Lydia, I just want you to know that I’m so happy your stubborn newborn self took an extra few hours to enter into this world so that I could get a whole extra year at home with you. I only hope I’m still this grateful when she’s 18 years old!
Happy 5th birthday, my sweet girl!
I have a similar yet very different take on it. Megabutt’s birthday is 9/26. Of course she has an older sister, by just 14 months, so she’s been partaking in a TON of things as my oldest one aged. So when we did homework, there she was, when we worked on math, reading, etc. there she was. This year she entered Kindergarten and she has the personality that if she gets bored with it OMG bring on the problems. She’s adding 100+400, 1000 + 1000 and the homework they are sending home is draw 4 circles. SHEESH. I’m scared that all through life she will be ahead of her peers since she barely missed the cut off and was semi-forced into other activities as a younger child. If she had been my first I envision having a much similar attitude but since she wasn’t I feel like it’s a set back for her, her future teachers, and us. Either way happy birthday Lydia! <3
Trust me, when she’s the first of her friends to get a driver’s license, she won’t be complaining, LOL. The good thing about advanced learners is that you can always do supplementary work at home, and they are generally excited to do it! Maybe you can register her for some local art classes or something fun that interests her.
My daughter was born the same exact day, only at 10:40pm! I remember sitting in my OBs waiting room the week before and hearing a few mamas talking about hoping they have their baby before 9-1 (I’m in Florida, too), or hoping to be induced so they don’t miss the cut off. I completely agree with you. She is going to be the first at most everything, she’s already the tallest, and I think that her going in to kindergarten at 6 is the best thing on an emotional level for her. September 2 is the best birthday, all the way! 🙂
YAY!! I’m glad you agree, Kelly Lee! Having that extra time to mature should really help them socially long-term, especially since my daughter is a bit of a pip squeak, LOL.
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