Four years ago right now, I was in labor. Labor is a strange thing. You can’t practice for it. If you’ve never experienced it, you can’t really prepare for it. You’re exhausted, excited, terrified, mesmerized, joyous, and about a million other emotions all tied together. And then the truly amazing part happens, after all of that, there’s an overwhelming calm and sense of peace because the most beautiful being you could ever imagine seeing is placed into your arms – and she’s yours to love forever.
Within in an hour of getting to meet Lydia, September 2nd, 2009.
A year passed and my daughter became an adorable, lovable, curious 1-year old.
And she continued to grow and learn – she was able to walk and talk and swim and paint and play dress-up – and became a 2-year old.
The next year was super-exciting – She became a big sister! She’s the best big sister ever. Just today, she told me her brother is her best friend. And then, before I knew it, she turned 3.
And now she’s turning 4. In just a few hours, I will be the mother of a 4-year old. It’s a beautiful thing – It means she’s a healthy little girl who is maturing and learning and growing every day. It also means I’ll never be the mommy of a 3-year old girl again. That part is a little sad, but still beautiful. Here’s how much she’s grown this year.
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
This morning, on her 4th birthday ~ Happy birthday, my sweet, smart, beautiful Lydia.
Happy Birthday, Lydia!
Thank you so much, Tiffany!
Happy Birthday Lydia! Happy 4th to mommy and daddy as well.
Thanks so much!! 🙂